Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Things We Should All Know

Living a life and not being dependent on others for the smallest things should be a goal of all of us. Being ready for emergencies large or small, gives us the independence to live a complete life. Here are nine things we should all know how to do.

1. Learn to Build a Fire -
Fire produces heat and light, two basic necessities for living. At some point in your life this knowledge may be vital and save your life or that of a love one.

2. Learn to Operate a Computer -
Beginner computer knowledge is essential these days. If you learned to type in high school, you are more than half way there. Free classes are offered at many schools, take advantage of one of these even if you do not have a home computer. You will be glad you did.

3. Learn to Be Able to Speak in a way that captivates people's attention-
If you can't do this, you should probably just save your breath. Practice you communication skills in front of a mirror or friends, if you need to. Learn a couple of good jokes that can be told in all types of company. Research a few facts on 5-6 subjects so you will always have something intelligent to say. You do not have to be a genius and the subject doesn't have to be long to get a good conversation started but you do need to be able to start one.

4. Learn to Deliver Bad News in a Compassionate Manner -
This is a subject no one likes to think about but somebody has got to do it. Unfortunately, someday that person might be you.

5. Learn to give Driving Directions-
You do not realize how important this is until you find yourself driving around in circles. Get this one right the first time. Buy an Atlas and/or city map. Learn the main streets by their names and numbers. Once you get that done filling in the side streets will be easier.

6. Learn to Swim -
71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Learning the breast or back stroke might be a good idea.

6. Learn Basic Cooking -
If you can't cook your own breakfast or dinner, you probably aren't going to make it to the end of your other goals.

7. Learn to Handle a Hammer, Axe or Handsaw -
Carpenters are not the only ones who need tools. Everyone, male and female, should have a basic understanding of these hand tools.

8. Learn to Make a Simple Budget -
Being in debt or running out of money before your next payday is not fun. A simple budget is the key.

9. Learn to Give a Compliment and mean it - It's one of the greatest gifts you can give someone, and it doesn't cost you a penny.

These are only the beginning of the things we need to know to live a fuller richer life. Don't try learning them all in one day, choose the ones that touch your life today and build from there.

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