Anyone who says that only sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.
I do not know who said this sentence first but it's one of the greatest rules to a happy life. We are always going to have bad things happen in our lives but when we learn to see the joy instead of the worries, we really begin to live. I'm not saying to ignore the bad things, because even hurtful things need attention from time to time. But making them the focus of our lives will quickly kill any thoughts of joy, love and happiness we may have.
So set your worries aside and let the joys take their place and see how much happiness you can have dancing in the rain.
Dance between the rain drops to find your true blessings.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Simple Things In Life
Have you ever noticed when you are contented with your life all the other things seem to be better?
Today I had lunch of left over fries [thanks Five Guys] and an egg. Not much of a meal but while enjoying it, I realized how wonderful it was to be me. I have had a lot of sadness in my life in the last 13 months but for today, I'm content. If I can live this day, enjoying the blessings I have, then my tomorrows are looking better and better.
We need to look for the joy and side step the sorrow, when thinking about our future days. Give our self the chance to be the one we want to be, without the fears of yesterday.
Today I had lunch of left over fries [thanks Five Guys] and an egg. Not much of a meal but while enjoying it, I realized how wonderful it was to be me. I have had a lot of sadness in my life in the last 13 months but for today, I'm content. If I can live this day, enjoying the blessings I have, then my tomorrows are looking better and better.
We need to look for the joy and side step the sorrow, when thinking about our future days. Give our self the chance to be the one we want to be, without the fears of yesterday.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Changes WE can do in our lives.
When things in our lives do not end up as we had hoped, what are we to do? Should we shut down and turn our backs on the world? Do we stay away from our friends and family? Do we blame ourselves for all the wrongs? Why not just build a wall so high around us, no one can get in?
While some of you may be smiling at my words, many people do handle disappointment in some or all of these manners. Thus doubling their problems.
How can we change the wrongs in our lives without hurting ourselves and others in the process? How can we find something good in all the bad around us.
#1 We acknowledge the wrong. You can not change something you never give a name to.
#2 We acknowledge that all of it wasn't our doing. I don't care what it is, unless you are on an island all alone, you will not be the only party in the mishap. Do not take responsibility for the wrong doings of others.
#3 Learn from your mistakes. True, there are some you will do again, it's just part of life. But if you learn one small lesson each time you do it. Soon you will no longer be doing it.
#4 Do not keep yourself from the friends and family that love you. They will give you a foundation to build upon again.
#5 Take the time to let yourself heal. Give yourself permission to mourn, but set a time period.
#6 When that time period is over, move forward. It doesn't matter what the hurt was, the loss of a job, loosing a love to death or another. Once the time span has passed be ready to armour up and move forward.
Staying in the past or present will only make it hurt longer. Forgive yourself and others if need be. Clear your mind of yesterdays and look forward to your tomorrows.
While some of you may be smiling at my words, many people do handle disappointment in some or all of these manners. Thus doubling their problems.
How can we change the wrongs in our lives without hurting ourselves and others in the process? How can we find something good in all the bad around us.
#1 We acknowledge the wrong. You can not change something you never give a name to.
#2 We acknowledge that all of it wasn't our doing. I don't care what it is, unless you are on an island all alone, you will not be the only party in the mishap. Do not take responsibility for the wrong doings of others.
#3 Learn from your mistakes. True, there are some you will do again, it's just part of life. But if you learn one small lesson each time you do it. Soon you will no longer be doing it.
#4 Do not keep yourself from the friends and family that love you. They will give you a foundation to build upon again.
#5 Take the time to let yourself heal. Give yourself permission to mourn, but set a time period.
#6 When that time period is over, move forward. It doesn't matter what the hurt was, the loss of a job, loosing a love to death or another. Once the time span has passed be ready to armour up and move forward.
Staying in the past or present will only make it hurt longer. Forgive yourself and others if need be. Clear your mind of yesterdays and look forward to your tomorrows.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
6 Ways to A Little More Happiness
We all have our down moments, it's when they become down days or weeks that we should become concerned. If you feel a down moment coming on try a few of these to give yourself an instant up lift.
[1] Say "yes" but to yourself.
We often use our free time for others, leaving ourselves by the way side. Say yes to something you have been wanting to do or not do. Sometimes just having fifteen minutes of nothing but quiet will bring a smile to our faces.
[2] Eat your happy food.
Studies have shown there is a chemical change in our bodies when we eat certain foods. Sugar beets and molasses sends energy to our brains and brightens our outlook. They may not sound to good together but think molasses cookies or pickled beets. How or what ever it is that you like, eat it. Remember moderation in all things, including happy food.
[3] Change your surroundings.
Get up and move. Sitting or standing in the same place can put your brain in a fog. Walk around, look at a different picture and smile at strangers. Anything that stimulates your mind and body is an instant pick me up.
[4] Sulk or get moody, but just for a little while.
Give yourself permission to feel sad, mad or worry but set a time limit. When it's over, move on. Take a big deep breath and release it. Do this as many times as it takes to get your mind moving forward again.
[5] Do something different.
Sometimes our moods will change with a jolt of newness. Take a bubble bath instead of the shower you always take. Wear something you like, even if no one else does. Get a new hairdo or color and yes, even males can do that.
[6] Accentuate the positive things in your life.
Keep photos you love on your desk. Keep something that belongs to the one you love near by. Every time you look at it, it will remind you of them. Write down the good things that happen to you through out your day. Share them when you get home with your family.
When it comes to happiness, small things can have a big impact. Never overlook the little things in life that make us smile.
[1] Say "yes" but to yourself.
We often use our free time for others, leaving ourselves by the way side. Say yes to something you have been wanting to do or not do. Sometimes just having fifteen minutes of nothing but quiet will bring a smile to our faces.
[2] Eat your happy food.
Studies have shown there is a chemical change in our bodies when we eat certain foods. Sugar beets and molasses sends energy to our brains and brightens our outlook. They may not sound to good together but think molasses cookies or pickled beets. How or what ever it is that you like, eat it. Remember moderation in all things, including happy food.
[3] Change your surroundings.
Get up and move. Sitting or standing in the same place can put your brain in a fog. Walk around, look at a different picture and smile at strangers. Anything that stimulates your mind and body is an instant pick me up.
[4] Sulk or get moody, but just for a little while.
Give yourself permission to feel sad, mad or worry but set a time limit. When it's over, move on. Take a big deep breath and release it. Do this as many times as it takes to get your mind moving forward again.
[5] Do something different.
Sometimes our moods will change with a jolt of newness. Take a bubble bath instead of the shower you always take. Wear something you like, even if no one else does. Get a new hairdo or color and yes, even males can do that.
[6] Accentuate the positive things in your life.
Keep photos you love on your desk. Keep something that belongs to the one you love near by. Every time you look at it, it will remind you of them. Write down the good things that happen to you through out your day. Share them when you get home with your family.
When it comes to happiness, small things can have a big impact. Never overlook the little things in life that make us smile.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's Not to Late to Change Your Mind
Today's Thought:
It's not to late to change your mind and become the person you want to be.
Read it slowly and think about it. So many times we do not give ourselves enough credit for making changes in our lives. We think just because we have done it one way for 10-20 years, it has to always be that way. Not true, is the keyword here. It's not too late for you to learn to be the chef you always wanted to be or the pilot, the doctor, the candle stick maker or even the writer.
In my case I knew from an early age I was meant to write but gave away to other peoples impression as to what they thought I should be, instead of pressing forward to my own dreams.
Now, I wake every morning knowing if I do not write something for you, I have only myself to blame. I'm becoming the person I was meant to be. The one I want to be.
It's not to late to change your mind and become the person you want to be.
Read it slowly and think about it. So many times we do not give ourselves enough credit for making changes in our lives. We think just because we have done it one way for 10-20 years, it has to always be that way. Not true, is the keyword here. It's not too late for you to learn to be the chef you always wanted to be or the pilot, the doctor, the candle stick maker or even the writer.
In my case I knew from an early age I was meant to write but gave away to other peoples impression as to what they thought I should be, instead of pressing forward to my own dreams.
Now, I wake every morning knowing if I do not write something for you, I have only myself to blame. I'm becoming the person I was meant to be. The one I want to be.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Can We Have Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Mae West has been quoted to have said "To much of a good thing can be wonderful".
But can we get to much of a good thing? Can we get to much money? Can we get to much love?
What do you think? Let me know,,,
I will share your answers next week with my readers. Names will be changed to protect the guilty,,
Til then,
But can we get to much of a good thing? Can we get to much money? Can we get to much love?
What do you think? Let me know,,,
I will share your answers next week with my readers. Names will be changed to protect the guilty,,
Til then,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Life isn't Fair
This is a reprint from one of my articles. It has gotten lots of reads and many comments back to me. I hope you like it also.
Life isn't fair and if someone told you it was, they lied to you. Bad things happen to good people and bad people have great things happen to them. In our human eyes, it may look like an unbalanced world but it isn't for us to compare our lives to others. It is our responsibility to expect a great day and work toward that reward, bringing happiness to ourselves is the greatest of all gifts.
I'm passing on a few tips on how I do that for myself.
[1] Make time for yourself to sit quietly for at least 15 minutes each day. You can choose the time of day but give yourself this gift of silence.
[2] Try to make at least three people smile today.
[3] Clear the clutter out of your life, house and car. If you can't see where you are going, how can you expect to get there?
[4] Life is to short to waste time hating anyone, forgive everyone for everything.
[5] What other people think of you is none of your business, that's their burden, not yours.
[6] NO matter how you feel, get up, dress up and then show up. The first step is half the battle.
[7] Live with the 3 E's and the 3 R's:
[a] Enthusiasm
[b] Energy
[c] Empathy
[d] Respect for others
[e] Respect for self
[f] Responsibility for all actions, good or bad
Our life isn't an amusement park. It may have plenty of rides that go up and down but there is only one E ticket. Lets not waste it by playing what if and letting the best be left on the wayside.
Life isn't fair and if someone told you it was, they lied to you. Bad things happen to good people and bad people have great things happen to them. In our human eyes, it may look like an unbalanced world but it isn't for us to compare our lives to others. It is our responsibility to expect a great day and work toward that reward, bringing happiness to ourselves is the greatest of all gifts.
I'm passing on a few tips on how I do that for myself.
[1] Make time for yourself to sit quietly for at least 15 minutes each day. You can choose the time of day but give yourself this gift of silence.
[2] Try to make at least three people smile today.
[3] Clear the clutter out of your life, house and car. If you can't see where you are going, how can you expect to get there?
[4] Life is to short to waste time hating anyone, forgive everyone for everything.
[5] What other people think of you is none of your business, that's their burden, not yours.
[6] NO matter how you feel, get up, dress up and then show up. The first step is half the battle.
[7] Live with the 3 E's and the 3 R's:
[a] Enthusiasm
[b] Energy
[c] Empathy
[d] Respect for others
[e] Respect for self
[f] Responsibility for all actions, good or bad
Our life isn't an amusement park. It may have plenty of rides that go up and down but there is only one E ticket. Lets not waste it by playing what if and letting the best be left on the wayside.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Another Day to Explore the World According to.......
Another Monday and another day to explore the world according to Faylee. We all have our own worlds, where we live according to our rules and regulations. Sometimes those rules and regulations have a little trouble meshing with others and their worlds. In times like that we need to see if we can work with the other one or should we make another path.
A few questions to ask yourself might be:
[1] Is this something I can live with?
If it isn't are you strong enough to walk away from that person?
[2] Is this something that is going to change my life for the better?
If it isn't are you strong enough to walk away from that person?
[3] What can I do to make it better for the both of us?
If that answer is, walk away, are you strong enough to do it?
If you answered yes to those questions then you are stronger than 90% of the rest of us. It isn't hard to know when something is wrong with a relationship. It's hard to let go and walk away, even when we know it's best.
We humans are caring and giving by nature. It's unsettling for us to admit there are some things we can't fix, so we hang on and on and on. All the while knowing it's hurting both people in the relationship and sometimes even hurting the people around us also.
Walking away doesn't always mean defeat. It can also mean you have made a decision and you are following through with the actions that go with the decision. We do not have to feel badly about taking another path.
Life is like a good recipe for a cake. If you want the cake to be the best one you have made, you follow directions, putting in all the ingredients at the right time. If something is left out or you put to much of one in, you do not get a great cake.
The same can be said for our lives. If we let other people in who do not see our outlook on life. They can bring stress, turmoil and leave debris behind where ever they go. It's not making our life cake into the best for either of us. Often it's best to discard the batter and start all over again from scratch.
A few questions to ask yourself might be:
[1] Is this something I can live with?
If it isn't are you strong enough to walk away from that person?
[2] Is this something that is going to change my life for the better?
If it isn't are you strong enough to walk away from that person?
[3] What can I do to make it better for the both of us?
If that answer is, walk away, are you strong enough to do it?
If you answered yes to those questions then you are stronger than 90% of the rest of us. It isn't hard to know when something is wrong with a relationship. It's hard to let go and walk away, even when we know it's best.
We humans are caring and giving by nature. It's unsettling for us to admit there are some things we can't fix, so we hang on and on and on. All the while knowing it's hurting both people in the relationship and sometimes even hurting the people around us also.
Walking away doesn't always mean defeat. It can also mean you have made a decision and you are following through with the actions that go with the decision. We do not have to feel badly about taking another path.
Life is like a good recipe for a cake. If you want the cake to be the best one you have made, you follow directions, putting in all the ingredients at the right time. If something is left out or you put to much of one in, you do not get a great cake.
The same can be said for our lives. If we let other people in who do not see our outlook on life. They can bring stress, turmoil and leave debris behind where ever they go. It's not making our life cake into the best for either of us. Often it's best to discard the batter and start all over again from scratch.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Love of Things
Today I'm talking about LOVE. Not the kind of love you might think but our love of things. The things that fill our lives and we never notice until they are gone. If you know me personally you already know my household has been without water going on two weeks. While I didn't panic in the beginning when we found the gaping hole in the water line, I'm beginning to get a little stressed out over the situation.
My third plumber is here working on the mistakes of the first two plumbers, who shall remain nameless as I do not want to give them any publicity, even the negative kind. Mainly because, I'm afraid you will try to prove me wrong about them and hire one of them to only end up in the same place they left me.
Lets get back to LOVE and forget all that.
Recently I wrote an article about getting your second date and in it I told about how we all love dating clean people. Clean looking, clean smelling and clean to the touch. It's kind of hard to have that loving feeling about someone when you have to hold your nose.
Being without water in the house has given me a different outlook on how to be and stay clean. No more long hot showers or soothing bubble baths, just a quick wipe and swipe with a wash cloth. How did our forefathers and mothers deal with this? There is no creek near by or I would have jumped in by now. Oh, where is my sweet smelling, makes me feel so good, water?
When my beautiful water gets back to my house I promise not to waste it or take it for granted. I will love it like a new born baby. Hold and caress it until both of us are satisfied. I will even wash dishes with a smile.
Come soon, my sweet much needed friend, Momma is waiting on you......
My third plumber is here working on the mistakes of the first two plumbers, who shall remain nameless as I do not want to give them any publicity, even the negative kind. Mainly because, I'm afraid you will try to prove me wrong about them and hire one of them to only end up in the same place they left me.
Lets get back to LOVE and forget all that.
Recently I wrote an article about getting your second date and in it I told about how we all love dating clean people. Clean looking, clean smelling and clean to the touch. It's kind of hard to have that loving feeling about someone when you have to hold your nose.
Being without water in the house has given me a different outlook on how to be and stay clean. No more long hot showers or soothing bubble baths, just a quick wipe and swipe with a wash cloth. How did our forefathers and mothers deal with this? There is no creek near by or I would have jumped in by now. Oh, where is my sweet smelling, makes me feel so good, water?
When my beautiful water gets back to my house I promise not to waste it or take it for granted. I will love it like a new born baby. Hold and caress it until both of us are satisfied. I will even wash dishes with a smile.
Come soon, my sweet much needed friend, Momma is waiting on you......
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Past
The past does not define you, the present does......Jillian Michaels
A short sentence with a lot of meaning. If we let the past dictate our today's and tomorrows, we have lost the fight before any battles have started. Living with what did or didn't happen yesterday will only stifle our plans for today. How do we change it, you might ask?
[1] Before you even get out of bed, clear your mind of all the sorrows of yesterday. It may take you a few minutes or an hour, that's up to you but it has to be done, before you can move forward.
[2] Sit on the side of your bed or in a chair and meditate for 10 minutes. Hear nothing but the quiet. Now you can open your mind and heart to all the possibilities of today.
[3] Plan on having a good day. See it in your mind until your heart feels it. Set your heart to letting nothing or no one change it. If yesterday starts to creep in, kick the door shut with your foot, and keep your mind on today.
[4] Make plans for today. It doesn't have to be much but plan to do something.
By doing these four things we can train ourselves to move forward to a better place in our lives. If it's finding a new job, a new hobby, new friends or a new love we can claim it by clearing out the past.
Today is going to be a great day for a new beginning. Think it, say it, believe it then do it!!
If finding a new person in your life is among your plans, maybe this will help.
Michael Webb's 50 Secrets of a Blissful Relationship
A short sentence with a lot of meaning. If we let the past dictate our today's and tomorrows, we have lost the fight before any battles have started. Living with what did or didn't happen yesterday will only stifle our plans for today. How do we change it, you might ask?
[1] Before you even get out of bed, clear your mind of all the sorrows of yesterday. It may take you a few minutes or an hour, that's up to you but it has to be done, before you can move forward.
[2] Sit on the side of your bed or in a chair and meditate for 10 minutes. Hear nothing but the quiet. Now you can open your mind and heart to all the possibilities of today.
[3] Plan on having a good day. See it in your mind until your heart feels it. Set your heart to letting nothing or no one change it. If yesterday starts to creep in, kick the door shut with your foot, and keep your mind on today.
[4] Make plans for today. It doesn't have to be much but plan to do something.
By doing these four things we can train ourselves to move forward to a better place in our lives. If it's finding a new job, a new hobby, new friends or a new love we can claim it by clearing out the past.
Today is going to be a great day for a new beginning. Think it, say it, believe it then do it!!
If finding a new person in your life is among your plans, maybe this will help.
Michael Webb's 50 Secrets of a Blissful Relationship
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Go for the Fire!
OK, so you are over 50 and life has gotten you down a bit. You have tried dating the friends from school, the blind dates from Aunt Myrtle and a few nice ones from online. You got nothing, that sparked an interest. So you are thinking about giving up. Well before you do, try my way of looking at the world of senior dating.
As with most things in the last 35 years have changed, dating has changed too. You no longer have to slick back your hair [what hair], get in your 68 Woody and surf over to Mary Lou's house to meet the folks. Now you are meeting her kids and grandchildren.
When you get invited to a gathering, do you hid in the corner, or worse the kitchen or do you come out to the center of the room where everyone can see your smile? Do you sit in the first available chair or keep moving around the room introducing yourself as you go? Did you do your best, to look your best. Bathed, shaved, combed your hair and put on that outfit that everyone says looks great on you or did you just stay in your old house dress and flip flops? Sometimes the reason there is no spark, is because we haven't put the right flint on display.
Here are my suggestions:
[1] Dress the part. Do your best to look your absolutely best. It doesn't have to be new but it does have to be clean, pressed and fit. The shoes need to be clean, polished and fit correctly. You do not want to go around all night with the look of pain on your face, instead of a smile.
[2] Come a little early, not an hour but say 8 to 10 minutes and offer to help. You can meet everyone if you are handing them a drink or taking their coats. It also allows you to see who arrives with a friend/mate.
[3] Carry business cards. If you see someone offer them a contact number with your card. If you no longer work, have some plain cards made with just your name, phone number and email address. That way you are always ready to meet someone.
[4] Keep that smile on your face and be ready to shake hands with all the pretty people.
A smile and a good hello will always get you farther than sitting in the corner and waiting on someone to find you. Forget about the spark, carry that flame with you and show it off!
As with most things in the last 35 years have changed, dating has changed too. You no longer have to slick back your hair [what hair], get in your 68 Woody and surf over to Mary Lou's house to meet the folks. Now you are meeting her kids and grandchildren.
When you get invited to a gathering, do you hid in the corner, or worse the kitchen or do you come out to the center of the room where everyone can see your smile? Do you sit in the first available chair or keep moving around the room introducing yourself as you go? Did you do your best, to look your best. Bathed, shaved, combed your hair and put on that outfit that everyone says looks great on you or did you just stay in your old house dress and flip flops? Sometimes the reason there is no spark, is because we haven't put the right flint on display.
Here are my suggestions:
[1] Dress the part. Do your best to look your absolutely best. It doesn't have to be new but it does have to be clean, pressed and fit. The shoes need to be clean, polished and fit correctly. You do not want to go around all night with the look of pain on your face, instead of a smile.
[2] Come a little early, not an hour but say 8 to 10 minutes and offer to help. You can meet everyone if you are handing them a drink or taking their coats. It also allows you to see who arrives with a friend/mate.
[3] Carry business cards. If you see someone offer them a contact number with your card. If you no longer work, have some plain cards made with just your name, phone number and email address. That way you are always ready to meet someone.
[4] Keep that smile on your face and be ready to shake hands with all the pretty people.
A smile and a good hello will always get you farther than sitting in the corner and waiting on someone to find you. Forget about the spark, carry that flame with you and show it off!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Making an Impact on the Opposite Sex
Are you making the impact on the opposite sex, that you want to or are you finding yourself alone more and more?
Today we are going to go over a few tips that might help all of us get to the places we desire in our romantic life.
In my nine years of Life Coaching, speaking and teaching, I have found we "opposite" sex are more alike than we want to admit. Some of the things we have in common are:
[1] We like clean people.
[2] We like happy people.
[3] We like positive people.
[4] We like productive people.
[5] We like people who listen to us.
[6] We like people who show an interest in us.
[7] We like people who like us, just the way we are.
Read each of these statements, take time to really think about them. Then decide which ones are you doing or not doing. If you answer no to any of these, you may have found your answer, as to why you are alone.
Life Coaching prices to fit all needs
contact me at
Today we are going to go over a few tips that might help all of us get to the places we desire in our romantic life.
In my nine years of Life Coaching, speaking and teaching, I have found we "opposite" sex are more alike than we want to admit. Some of the things we have in common are:
[1] We like clean people.
[2] We like happy people.
[3] We like positive people.
[4] We like productive people.
[5] We like people who listen to us.
[6] We like people who show an interest in us.
[7] We like people who like us, just the way we are.
Read each of these statements, take time to really think about them. Then decide which ones are you doing or not doing. If you answer no to any of these, you may have found your answer, as to why you are alone.
Life Coaching prices to fit all needs
contact me at
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Beginnings and Endings
Life is full of beginnings and endings. Some are minor and others are almost overwhelming. All, are life changing.
The degree of the change is up to us. Do we allow the minor things to mushroom into an overwhelming size because we do not correct it in the beginning stages? Or do we stand on the threshold of new adventures and know in our hearts these changes will bring new wisdom and treasures to our lives but fear to step off?
Beginnings or endings are rarely easy. We tend to stick to what is a familiar, even when we know it's hurting ourselves or others. We humans are creatures of habit and patterns. It's only when we give ourselves permission to stretch out and reach for something new that we really grow and see the possibilities of tomorrow.
We need to begin again, seeing the world with the eyes of a child and to accept every minute as a unique miracle. A miracle that allows us to try again and again to get to where we truly want to be in our lives.
Reach, stretch and look ahead to what is the future, leaving the endings of yesterday for the beginnings of tomorrow.
Life Coach/Writer/Speaker
The degree of the change is up to us. Do we allow the minor things to mushroom into an overwhelming size because we do not correct it in the beginning stages? Or do we stand on the threshold of new adventures and know in our hearts these changes will bring new wisdom and treasures to our lives but fear to step off?
Beginnings or endings are rarely easy. We tend to stick to what is a familiar, even when we know it's hurting ourselves or others. We humans are creatures of habit and patterns. It's only when we give ourselves permission to stretch out and reach for something new that we really grow and see the possibilities of tomorrow.
We need to begin again, seeing the world with the eyes of a child and to accept every minute as a unique miracle. A miracle that allows us to try again and again to get to where we truly want to be in our lives.
Reach, stretch and look ahead to what is the future, leaving the endings of yesterday for the beginnings of tomorrow.
Life Coach/Writer/Speaker
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Being a Boomer, Change for the Better
I'm a boomer and proud to say so. With so many people crossing the line from "youth" to middle age we are now a majority. When we were talking the talk of not trusting anyone over thirty, did we not think we would make it this far? Did we not believe that life would lead us down the path to fifty? How naive were we? When I think of that now, I smile and ask myself, how dumb were you back then Faylee? The answer never changes, "Pretty dumb", I whisper to myself.
Now that I'm here and I see how wonderful it is, I'm amazed God didn't start us at this age. We know who we are, as a person. We do have value to input into the lives of other's. Mostly we understand the differences in each of us. The differences that make the core of our being. Those differences are not a bad thing. We can use them to build a friendship or relationship, with each of us still being true to who we are.
Some of the changes, in the 50 years of being you, are:
[1] A better outlook on lifeSmall things do not bother you anymore. So, what it's going to rain, I'll get wet or find that umbrella I lost 3 years ago.
[2] A better sex lifeYou are no longer in a hurry to get it over with before the kids find you. You and your pardoner can have second or third helpings and still have plenty of time for cuddling.
[3] FreedomYou can go to a matinee movie and eat all the popcorn. You can sing at the top of your lungs in the car and no one cares.
[4] You finally know what "I'm alone but not lonely" means. Being by yourself is not a deadly thing.
[5] We try harder because we know time isn't on our side. We will stay up all night reading that book, just because.
[6] We love stronger.We know the deep feeling of caring about someone does not go away in an instant. When you see them at their worst and keep loving them, then you know it's real. Having 50 years of learning to love to that degree is an outstanding thing.
So to all my fellow boomers, hurray for us. May we live to have 50 more years of experience.
Now that I'm here and I see how wonderful it is, I'm amazed God didn't start us at this age. We know who we are, as a person. We do have value to input into the lives of other's. Mostly we understand the differences in each of us. The differences that make the core of our being. Those differences are not a bad thing. We can use them to build a friendship or relationship, with each of us still being true to who we are.
Some of the changes, in the 50 years of being you, are:
[1] A better outlook on lifeSmall things do not bother you anymore. So, what it's going to rain, I'll get wet or find that umbrella I lost 3 years ago.
[2] A better sex lifeYou are no longer in a hurry to get it over with before the kids find you. You and your pardoner can have second or third helpings and still have plenty of time for cuddling.
[3] FreedomYou can go to a matinee movie and eat all the popcorn. You can sing at the top of your lungs in the car and no one cares.
[4] You finally know what "I'm alone but not lonely" means. Being by yourself is not a deadly thing.
[5] We try harder because we know time isn't on our side. We will stay up all night reading that book, just because.
[6] We love stronger.We know the deep feeling of caring about someone does not go away in an instant. When you see them at their worst and keep loving them, then you know it's real. Having 50 years of learning to love to that degree is an outstanding thing.
So to all my fellow boomers, hurray for us. May we live to have 50 more years of experience.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Faylee's Adventures Continue
What a week end this has been. Friday evening my main water line broke. I had my own little fountain in the drive way. This all happened after having the water company out here on Thursday to see why I had gotten a water bill three times my normal amount. I was assured on Thursday that it was all due to usage and not a water leak.,..uh huh, sure, right. Within 24 hours I was proven right but I would have been glad to have been proven wrong. Today I am waiting on someone to come and give me the happy news on the cost of repair.
So what if I did not get a shower yesterday, I still have food, a roof over my head, a warm place to sleep last night. All is good, because I have so many blessings in the sight of God's love.
I know that there is a plan for good to come of this, I just have to stay in the right mind to accept it. Blessings come in all shapes, ways and adventures.
More later on my adventures and misadventures,,,,now would anyone be willing to share their plumber with me?
Have a great day my friends,
So what if I did not get a shower yesterday, I still have food, a roof over my head, a warm place to sleep last night. All is good, because I have so many blessings in the sight of God's love.
I know that there is a plan for good to come of this, I just have to stay in the right mind to accept it. Blessings come in all shapes, ways and adventures.
More later on my adventures and misadventures,,,,now would anyone be willing to share their plumber with me?
Have a great day my friends,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
There is a Dating Life After 50
We used to think only the young had a dating life. Now that millions of us are over fifty, we find that isn't always true.
I became single again when I was about to started the second half of my century year. I was at a loss as to what to do for a social life. I was, for the most part, a stay at home Mom, with very little social life, outside of church.
I feel I was one of the blessed ones because I had a couple of single friends and they got me to go to a singles group at one of the local churches. There I met other senior singles, most of them in the same situation as I was. We had done what was expected of us, married young, had our children, then spent the next 20 years watching them grow into adults. Now when we were expecting to settle in and wait on becoming grandparents, we found ourselves divorced and alone.
Coming to this group was a wonderful adventure for me. I met many nice people and a couple of stinkers. Most of all I met people who were willing to help me adjust to my new status and grow as a re-single.
[Re-Single= Someone who had been married, some for many years, and had forgotten how to interact with others]
In this blog I hope to pass on, not only what these lovely people taught me but what I have learned in my Life Coach training to you, my readers. Please feel free to send me questions and give me your impressions of what I'm doing.
Faylee, Life Coach for Senior Singles Would love to hear from you.
I became single again when I was about to started the second half of my century year. I was at a loss as to what to do for a social life. I was, for the most part, a stay at home Mom, with very little social life, outside of church.
I feel I was one of the blessed ones because I had a couple of single friends and they got me to go to a singles group at one of the local churches. There I met other senior singles, most of them in the same situation as I was. We had done what was expected of us, married young, had our children, then spent the next 20 years watching them grow into adults. Now when we were expecting to settle in and wait on becoming grandparents, we found ourselves divorced and alone.
Coming to this group was a wonderful adventure for me. I met many nice people and a couple of stinkers. Most of all I met people who were willing to help me adjust to my new status and grow as a re-single.
[Re-Single= Someone who had been married, some for many years, and had forgotten how to interact with others]
In this blog I hope to pass on, not only what these lovely people taught me but what I have learned in my Life Coach training to you, my readers. Please feel free to send me questions and give me your impressions of what I'm doing.
Faylee, Life Coach for Senior Singles Would love to hear from you.
Smiling Happy
Happiness depends on what you can give , not what you can get....Gandhi
There is more to life than the everyday stress of living. Stress can rob you of all your good thoughts, feelings and outlooks.
Beginning today I want you to see yourself as the beauty you are. I'm not talking hair, eyes or even body shape. I want you to see the beauty within. If you aren't sharing that beauty with yourself, then you know no one can see it either.
You have no idea of how amazing you really are. Things you see as nothing could mean a lot to people if you would share them. Start with your smile. Give it to everyone that comes in contact with you. The mailman, the street cleaner, your neighbor, even the woman on the street corner with the barking dog.
Then tomorrow I want you to nod your head as you smile. Give the people you are smiling at the acknowledgment that you see them, that they are important to you. Within a few days I'm sure these people will not only be waiting to see your smile, but waiting with a smile for you.
Little successes like smiling at strangers and being smiled back at, add up to a successful day. Keep adding small things to your routine of smiling and nodding, like waving to the ones across the streets. Whisper good morning to the barking dog, watch him get closer and quiet down under the beauty of your smile.
There is always a reason to smile, dig deep until you find one. Soon you will see something new blooming in you, something wonderful to smile about.
There is more to life than the everyday stress of living. Stress can rob you of all your good thoughts, feelings and outlooks.
Beginning today I want you to see yourself as the beauty you are. I'm not talking hair, eyes or even body shape. I want you to see the beauty within. If you aren't sharing that beauty with yourself, then you know no one can see it either.
You have no idea of how amazing you really are. Things you see as nothing could mean a lot to people if you would share them. Start with your smile. Give it to everyone that comes in contact with you. The mailman, the street cleaner, your neighbor, even the woman on the street corner with the barking dog.
Then tomorrow I want you to nod your head as you smile. Give the people you are smiling at the acknowledgment that you see them, that they are important to you. Within a few days I'm sure these people will not only be waiting to see your smile, but waiting with a smile for you.
Little successes like smiling at strangers and being smiled back at, add up to a successful day. Keep adding small things to your routine of smiling and nodding, like waving to the ones across the streets. Whisper good morning to the barking dog, watch him get closer and quiet down under the beauty of your smile.
There is always a reason to smile, dig deep until you find one. Soon you will see something new blooming in you, something wonderful to smile about.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Laugh or Cry: Choose Laugh
Who ever said life wasn't meant to be mistake free, hit the nail on the head with this meal. Last evening I surprised my family with the worse meal possible.
Baked Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Cornbread Dressing and gravy, Green Beans.
When I was putting that menu on paper and seeing it in my head, it seemed a done deal. No way that someone who has been cooking for as long as I have could ruin it, but I did.
If lemon goes with chicken, why doesn't lime? It's the same citrus family, pretty green color, smells so crisp and fresh, but on my chicken breasts it turned bitter and uneatable. I made the dressing just as the package said, but it was so dry, we thought we were eating sand. The mashed potatoes were good, not great but good,yippie, something was good. Now the green beans, where were the green beans? Could it be, that maybe I had forgot them? Oh yes, still in the freezer, waiting my special touch.
In a situation like this you can do one of two things, laugh or cry. I chose to laugh. At the situation, at the green bitter chicken and most of all at this cooking expert who sometimes thinks she knows all there is to know about country cooking. Oh boy, was she wrong.
So for all you new cooks, know this, even a cook with years of experience can have an off night. Do not think badly of yourself if things do not come out right every time. Cooking is a learning experience, just like life. Smile, giggle and laugh for tomorrow is another chance to get it right.
Baked Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Cornbread Dressing and gravy, Green Beans.
When I was putting that menu on paper and seeing it in my head, it seemed a done deal. No way that someone who has been cooking for as long as I have could ruin it, but I did.
If lemon goes with chicken, why doesn't lime? It's the same citrus family, pretty green color, smells so crisp and fresh, but on my chicken breasts it turned bitter and uneatable. I made the dressing just as the package said, but it was so dry, we thought we were eating sand. The mashed potatoes were good, not great but good,yippie, something was good. Now the green beans, where were the green beans? Could it be, that maybe I had forgot them? Oh yes, still in the freezer, waiting my special touch.
In a situation like this you can do one of two things, laugh or cry. I chose to laugh. At the situation, at the green bitter chicken and most of all at this cooking expert who sometimes thinks she knows all there is to know about country cooking. Oh boy, was she wrong.
So for all you new cooks, know this, even a cook with years of experience can have an off night. Do not think badly of yourself if things do not come out right every time. Cooking is a learning experience, just like life. Smile, giggle and laugh for tomorrow is another chance to get it right.
Spring, Sweet Spring!
We all know that winter doesn't last but when we are in the darkness, spring seems so far away. Giving away to the cold feeling of winter, makes our lives feel hopeless. We should always remember, like all things, winter is a fleeting thing and will pass.
Every day brings a new chance at happiness. A new door is about to open. If it's stuck, push harder, until you see the light of a new dream. Reach forward by letting go of yesterday.
Someone cares about what you are going through, let them help you find your path. Everybody makes mistakes. Do not let the winter darkness lead you to believe you are the only one. That's why we have erasers on pencils, NASCAR has practice runs and we humans have the try, try, try again attitude.
Give yourself the right to make a comeback, then stretch toward the light of a new spring. Not only dream again, but dream BIG!!!
Every day brings a new chance at happiness. A new door is about to open. If it's stuck, push harder, until you see the light of a new dream. Reach forward by letting go of yesterday.
Someone cares about what you are going through, let them help you find your path. Everybody makes mistakes. Do not let the winter darkness lead you to believe you are the only one. That's why we have erasers on pencils, NASCAR has practice runs and we humans have the try, try, try again attitude.
Give yourself the right to make a comeback, then stretch toward the light of a new spring. Not only dream again, but dream BIG!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
When You Can't Sing, Hum.
Singing your melody when things are tough isn't easy to do, as many of us know. This year has brought many changes in most of our lives. Some have lost their jobs, cars, home and the loss that hurts the most, people we love.
While it will be hard to move forward for some of us, it must be done for the betterment of all around us. We have a certain time on earth and using it to do the job before us will take that extra push. We have two choices, doing it with gladness or sadness, it's all up to us. Finding that special melody inside of us, will come with a job well done. Whether that "job" is a new career, a new home or a new love.
I'm here to help you find the best way for you to reach your goals. I can't do it for you but I can ask the right questions to lead you to your answers. I believe we all have the "right" answers for ourselves but sometimes we need someone to guide us to those answers. That's what a coach does. I will be your listening post, your cheerleader and the person with the right questions that go with your answers.
If your melody is lost, contact me and we'll hum until you can sing, loud and clear.
Life Coach/Writer/Speaker
Price packaging for all needs. Feel free to contact me.
While it will be hard to move forward for some of us, it must be done for the betterment of all around us. We have a certain time on earth and using it to do the job before us will take that extra push. We have two choices, doing it with gladness or sadness, it's all up to us. Finding that special melody inside of us, will come with a job well done. Whether that "job" is a new career, a new home or a new love.
I'm here to help you find the best way for you to reach your goals. I can't do it for you but I can ask the right questions to lead you to your answers. I believe we all have the "right" answers for ourselves but sometimes we need someone to guide us to those answers. That's what a coach does. I will be your listening post, your cheerleader and the person with the right questions that go with your answers.
If your melody is lost, contact me and we'll hum until you can sing, loud and clear.
Life Coach/Writer/Speaker
Price packaging for all needs. Feel free to contact me.
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