Friday, February 5, 2010

Finding Love Beginning with 3 A's

Assess Your Needs...

We often go on a quest for something without really knowing what we are looking for. This can bring about confusion and misunderstandings. Know what you are looking for in your mate by knowing what it is you truly need to fulfil your desires. Know your deal breakers and your loving touches before approaching someone. Knowing one's self is just as important in a relationship as knowing the other person.

Ask Questions...

This is not the time to be timid or shy, even to yourself. None of us are mind readers and if he/she minds you asking questions, move on. Someone who is really interested in you, will not hesitate to answer anything you ask. You can not scare off the right person with questions. You may not get an answer you like or even understand at first hearing, but you still need to ask questions about things that concern you.

Always Listen...

After asking the question, be silent so you can hear the answer. Do not interrupt as they are giving you their answer. You should also be watching their body language as they are answering. When they have finished, repeat what you heard them say, so you both can be clear on the answer. This gives them the chance to clear up something if you have misunderstood them. It also brings about a better understanding method, as you learn what is important to the both of you.

An ability to communicate with each other is the glue that holds any relationship together.
